Monday, October 03, 2005

Separated at Birth?

Harriet Miers, Supreme Court Justice nomineeEmperor Palpatine, Lord of the Sith

     Seriously, though, I know nothing about this woman. If her background is interesting enough, I might post on it this week.

Photo thanks:;


Otto Man said...

Nah, Emperor Palpatine is Zell Miller's doppelganger.

In that photo, Miers looks more like the Goth Granny.

Sylvana said...

I knew she reminded me of someone.

Ben said...

So far as I can tell, she seems like a really crappy choice. I hope I'm wrong.

ORF said...

HA! Her background is nonexistent. That is why you know nothing about this woman.

Ben said...

I don't think that lack of judicial experience is a big deal since many previous SCOTUS judges had no previous judicial experience, but after all the MIke Brown cronyism charges, which were deserved, you'd think he'd pick someone that would not give off any semblance of cronyism.

Now see, I'll criticize Bush plenty when I think he deserves it.

ORF said...

Yeah Ben, a WHOLE PARAGRAPH!!! That's plenty ;)

Ben said...

Madicare drug crap, inability to convince people to fix SS, inability to rein in congressional spending, bad communication. The Republicans are probably going to lose congress the next election, and it's their own fault, because the Democrats certainly haven't done much to deserve to win it themselves. More than ever we have a choice between two bad parties. But I think Guiliani might be our next President.

Ben said...

Oh yeah, and his unwillingness to do anything about illegal immigration. He says it's bad as a sop to people who agree, but then he doesn't do anything at all about it, except come up with ways to make them legal.

EVen with all that, I'd take him over Kerry any day.

Thrillhous said...

Bush does seem to have an affinity for wrinkly types. I expect Hans Moleman to be nominated for something real soon.

Isaac Carmichael said...

Looks like the mascara PAC has got George by the balls or something.