Wednesday, December 14, 2005


     Another of my favorite blogs has bitten the dust, at least until 2032. It's once again time to take a fresh look at the links on my blogroll. It's true that I read these blogs every day - I'm not going to clutter up my screen with hundreds of links which nobody will ever click on. However, I actually read a few others just as regularly. Because I'm too indecisive (and lazy) to make this decision myself, I was hoping you all could help. After all, the links aren't there for my benefit - I read all my blogs from my Thunderbird RSS reader. (Quick note about all links, including those in my posts - they will all open a new window, so you can click on them to read them later without having to interrupt reading the post.) Here are the candidates (in no particular order):

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Nachos -- "A little insight on how the world should be experienced..." -- A political issues blog, but in a soundbite sort of way. No dry figures or philosophic ramblings here. You might recognize Otto Man, StudioDave, and Thrillhous from their comments here.

PolySciFi Blog -- "Random musings on political science, science fiction, and anything else that strikes our fancy." -- In-Depth issues discussion from people in the know. It leans libertarian, but not the kind of libertarian that's really a Republican in denial. Always an educational read. Jody lives here.

Life is a Bowl of Garlic Hummus -- "Life, Opinions, and Random Thoughts" -- Purely personal observations from an Indian Atlanta Doctor-to-be.

Comments from Left Field -- "a Progressive news and opinion blog." -- An unabashedly left-wing news blog, complete with lists and cartoons and a healthy dose of piss, vinegar, and humor.

Contrary Brin -- "An occasional online journal to handle discussions generated by "The David Brin Site" -- A very sensible commentary from a noted scientist and best-selling author. He probably leans more conservative, but skewers both the liberals and conservatives. Always a thoughtful read.

     I only have room for one right now, but if you think I should remove a current link to make room, let me know. Write-in votes are of course more than welcome, although they'll probably get put on my private blogroll and the candidate list for next time. Vote today!


Ben said...

Hey, thanks for the Brin note. I used to read his site, but had forgotten about it. He gets a lot deeper than I ever do. And his books rock....

Otto Man said...

Thanks for the shout-out. You're not going to believe this, but I came over here this morning because I realized we hadn't added you to our blogroll yet and I wanted to add you there. Weird.

ORF said...

Well, the only one of those I read is LLatPoN, so I'd vote for them, but now I'll be sure to check out the others too! And also, I feel SO VERY SPECIAL to a) own a slot on your illustrious blogroll to the left there and b) even more special that it's the top slot :)

chick pea said...

wow... made it onto the site.. :)...

not a doctor-to-be...

but a doctor...who is undergoing the residency blues...

happy new year scott :)

the bean ;)